Namnik Digital Designs
is a rising star in the sphere of web-designing and developement in
Digital Designs
will develop
a strong position in Web Sphere and presence through out the Market
as an Internet consulting company specialized in developing and
integrating business critical solutions with new media technologies.
Our services,core
values and culture will be instrumental in reaching this goal.
Our service
The Company will offer customers state-of-the-art technology in
new media, and know-how in order to improve the customers' market
position. The Company intends to take a complete responsibility
for the client`s overall strategy for interactive media.
The quality
of our services are based on our core values
Our core values are to create a significant difference for our clients,
with branding, design and technology in focus, and always with the
aim to develop competence and to have fun.
The core
values again influence our culture
At Namnik Digital Designs we work in teams. We believe in people's
integrity and their ability to take responsibility for their own
We work in a
'flat' organisation, meaning we have no bosses, only coaches to
guide the teams. Our organisation is built on trust. We rely on
success to fortify our teamwork. And as the teams get stronger,
the company grows.
achievement is about gaining competence and having an influence
on one's environment. A good working environment is about creating
an atmosphere of freedom, and its up to the company to provide this
platform. Such a platform holds endless possibilities and results
in good productivity.
The combination
of our services, core values and culture together will help us reach
our goals.